/BCO-DMO/North_Pond_Microbes/pore_water_2014 ---- Level 0

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#  Pore water chemical concentration data and location from push cores 
#   collected by the ROV Jason II on dive J2-773
#  PI: C. Geoffrey Wheat (MBARI)
#  Version date: 11 April 2019
#  NOTE  Some Mn and Fe values are below detection and are indicated by the less than sign (<).
Core                Depth    pH     alkalinity  Nitrate  Chlorinity  Ca      B       Mn      Fe      Si      Sr      Li      S       Na      Mg      K       V       Rb      Mo      Cs      Ba      U       Lat        Lon         Notes  
2014 bottom water   nd       7.92   2.32        21.1     544.9       10.17   413     <0.1    <0.1    55      90.5    26.5    27.9    459     52.2    9.94    35.8    1.34    121     2.14    78      14.7    nd         nd          nd     
J2-733-PC 1         2        7.68   2.08        22.3     546.2       9.69    524     <0.1    <0.1    79      86.8    27.7    27.0    460     51.5    10.5    60.3    1.69    118     4.46    152     10.4    22.82063   -46.11082   Did not hit bottom (18:24) and was positioned next to PC 2, 22 degrees 49.238 minutes North and 46 degrees 6.649 minutes West  
J2-733-PC 1         6        7.69   2.11        23.8     546.2       9.64    535     0.4     <0.1    93      85.8    28.0    26.9    460     51.2    10.5    59.5    1.76    121     4.62    200     10.7    22.82063   -46.11082   Did not hit bottom (18:24) and was positioned next to PC 2, 22 degrees 49.238 minutes North and 46 degrees 6.649 minutes West  
J2-733-PC 1         10       7.71   2.20        25.1     545.2       9.59    533     <0.1    <0.1    91      85.3    27.9    26.9    460     50.7    10.5    59.0    1.70    120     4.34    219     10.3    22.82063   -46.11082   Did not hit bottom (18:24) and was positioned next to PC 2, 22 degrees 49.238 minutes North and 46 degrees 6.649 minutes West  
J2-733-PC 1         13       7.7    2.22        25.8     547.2       9.62    531     0.2     <0.1    90      85.4    28.0    27.0    460     51.1    10.6    63.8    1.70    122     4.20    235     10.2    22.82063   -46.11082   Did not hit bottom (18:24) and was positioned next to PC 2, 22 degrees 49.238 minutes North and 46 degrees 6.649 minutes West  
J2-733-PC 1         16       7.69   2.22        24.7     544.6       9.67    529     0.5     <0.1    93      85.9    27.7    27.0    463     51.3    10.6    57.6    1.72    125     4.42    230     10.4    22.82063   -46.11082   Did not hit bottom (18:24) and was positioned next to PC 2, 22 degrees 49.238 minutes North and 46 degrees 6.649 minutes West  
J2-733-PC 1         18       7.71   2.22        24.6     546.6       9.67    525     0.2     <0.1    87      84.9    27.8    27.0    457     51.0    10.4    48.5    1.69    123     4.33    211     10.3    22.82063   -46.11082   Did not hit bottom (18:24) and was positioned next to PC 2, 22 degrees 49.238 minutes North and 46 degrees 6.649 minutes West  
J2-733-PC 2         2        7.69   2.13        21.9     548.5       9.72    528     0.3     <0.1    80      86.9    27.9    27.4    461     50.9    10.5    64.9    1.72    120     4.57    148     10.2    22.82060   -46.11083   Did not hit bottom (18:27) and was positioned next to PC 1, 22 degrees 49.236 minutes North and 46 degrees 6.650 minutes West  
J2-733-PC 2         7        7.70   2.17        24.6     543.9       9.65    536     <0.1    <0.1    95      85.8    28.0    27.2    460     50.8    10.5    61.5    1.72    120     4.49    225     10.1    22.82060   -46.11083   Did not hit bottom (18:27) and was positioned next to PC 1, 22 degrees 49.236 minutes North and 46 degrees 6.650 minutes West  
J2-733-PC 2         11       7.73   2.18        25.5     546.2       9.62    532     <0.1    <0.1    91      85.1    28.0    27.1    460     51.0    10.5    54.6    1.69    121     4.23    236     10.1    22.82060   -46.11083   Did not hit bottom (18:27) and was positioned next to PC 1, 22 degrees 49.236 minutes North and 46 degrees 6.650 minutes West  
J2-733-PC 2         15       7.70   2.16        26.1     544.2       9.60    530     0.3     <0.1    95      84.8    28.0    26.9    460     50.8    10.5    56.3    1.68    122     4.14    216     9.91    22.82060   -46.11083   Did not hit bottom (18:27) and was positioned next to PC 1, 22 degrees 49.236 minutes North and 46 degrees 6.650 minutes West  
J2-733-PC 2         18       7.72   2.14        25.7     545.9       9.64    519     0.4     <0.1    93      85.0    27.9    27.2    460     51.0    10.4    48.5    1.68    124     4.16    215     10.1    22.82060   -46.11083   Did not hit bottom (18:27) and was positioned next to PC 1, 22 degrees 49.236 minutes North and 46 degrees 6.650 minutes West  
J2-733-PC 2         20       7.70   2.16        25.4     546.3       9.62    527     0.2     <0.1    92      85.0    27.8    27.1    458     50.8    10.5    52.8    1.74    127     4.37    223     10.3    22.82060   -46.11083   Did not hit bottom (18:27) and was positioned next to PC 1, 22 degrees 49.236 minutes North and 46 degrees 6.650 minutes West  
J2-733-PC 2         22       7.72   2.16        25.2     nd          9.63    525     <0.1    <0.1    97      86.0    27.8    27.2    459     50.8    10.5    49.5    1.74    128     4.39    248     10.4    22.82060   -46.11083   Did not hit bottom (18:27) and was positioned next to PC 1, 22 degrees 49.236 minutes North and 46 degrees 6.650 minutes West  
J2-733-PC 4         3        7.67   2.05        23.0     547.3       9.70    521     <0.1    <0.1    88      86.6    27.9    27.5    460     51.3    10.3    54.8    1.66    114     4.29    149     9.74    22.82062   -46.11082   Hit bottom (18:01) and was positioned next to PC 11 and the marker that was deployed in 2012, 22 degrees 49.237 minutes North and 46 degrees 6.649 minutes West  
J2-733-PC 4         6        7.69   2.10        23.8     545.1       nd      516     0.2     <0.1    97      85.6    28.3    27.0    464     51.9    10.4    58.8    1.67    111     4.26    183     9.85    22.82062   -46.11082   Hit bottom (18:01) and was positioned next to PC 11 and the marker that was deployed in 2012, 22 degrees 49.237 minutes North and 46 degrees 6.649 minutes West  
J2-733-PC 4         8        7.71   2.11        24.5     544.0       9.66    516     0.2     <0.1    109     85.4    28.5    27.2    460     50.7    10.4    58.0    1.66    110     4.19    205     9.64    22.82062   -46.11082   Hit bottom (18:01) and was positioned next to PC 11 and the marker that was deployed in 2012, 22 degrees 49.237 minutes North and 46 degrees 6.649 minutes West  
J2-733-PC 4         10       7.75   2.13        25.1     544.2       9.64    517     0.2     <0.1    114     85.5    29.3    27.6    460     51.2    10.4    nd      nd      nd      nd      nd      nd      22.82062   -46.11082   Hit bottom (18:01) and was positioned next to PC 11 and the marker that was deployed in 2012, 22 degrees 49.237 minutes North and 46 degrees 6.649 minutes West  
J2-733-PC 4         12       7.71   2.13        25.3     544.0       9.61    514     0.1     <0.1    110     85.0    28.9    27.3    462     51.5    10.4    60.8    1.70    117     4.27    203     9.81    22.82062   -46.11082   Hit bottom (18:01) and was positioned next to PC 11 and the marker that was deployed in 2012, 22 degrees 49.237 minutes North and 46 degrees 6.649 minutes West  
J2-733-PC 4         14       7.73   2.11        25.3     nd          9.67    512     <0.1    <0.1    112     84.0    28.4    26.9    460     51.3    10.4    54.2    1.63    123     3.93    202     9.69    22.82062   -46.11082   Hit bottom (18:01) and was positioned next to PC 11 and the marker that was deployed in 2012, 22 degrees 49.237 minutes North and 46 degrees 6.649 minutes West  
J2-733-PC 6         4        7.71   2.19        25.2     543.3       9.71    524     <0.1    <0.1    103     86.8    28.1    27.1    463     51.5    10.5    66.5    1.70    113     4.57    198     10.4    22.82078   -46.11082   Did not hit bottom (19:28), 22 degrees 49.247 minutes North and 46 degrees 6.648 minutes West  
J2-733-PC 6         7        7.71   2.19        25.0     545.1       9.66    521     0.2     <0.1    110     85.3    27.9    27.0    460     51.5    10.4    58.1    1.72    117     4.47    195     10.5    22.82078   -46.11082   Did not hit bottom (19:28), 22 degrees 49.247 minutes North and 46 degrees 6.648 minutes West  
J2-733-PC 6         10       7.71   2.19        25.2     546.2       9.65    515     0.1     <0.1    100     85.4    27.9    26.9    460     51.4    10.5    55.5    1.68    119     4.33    207     10.4    22.82078   -46.11082   Did not hit bottom (19:28), 22 degrees 49.247 minutes North and 46 degrees 6.648 minutes West  
J2-733-PC 6         13       7.73   2.21        25.2     542.1       9.57    523     0.6     <0.1    99      85.7    27.9    26.9    458     51.2    10.5    55.4    1.70    123     4.15    219     10.5    22.82078   -46.11082   Did not hit bottom (19:28), 22 degrees 49.247 minutes North and 46 degrees 6.648 minutes West  
J2-733-PC 6         15       7.69   2.18        25.4     543.7       9.63    527     0.5     <0.1    97      85.6    27.9    26.9    458     51.3    10.0    52.8    1.72    119     4.35    227     10.5    22.82078   -46.11082   Did not hit bottom (19:28), 22 degrees 49.247 minutes North and 46 degrees 6.648 minutes West  
J2-733-PC 6         17       7.71   2.20        25.2     545.7       9.67    526     0.4     <0.1    94      nd      28.0    nd      nd      nd      nd      58.7    1.71    121     4.39    232     10.5    22.82078   -46.11082   Did not hit bottom (19:28), 22 degrees 49.247 minutes North and 46 degrees 6.648 minutes West  
J2-733-PC 7         3        7.64   2.13        23.1     546.1       9.72    514     0.5     <0.1    nd      86.6    27.8    27.1    460     51.4    10.5    59.4    1.73    115     4.65    150     9.58    22.82040   -46.11082   Hit bottom (16:46) at the base of the crack, 22 degrees 49.224 minutes North and 46 degrees 6.649 minutes West  
J2-733-PC 7         5        7.7    2.13        22.4     547.2       9.68    510     0.4     <0.1    90      86.8    30.6    27.0    461     52.0    10.6    59.9    1.70    126     4.68    144     9.77    22.82040   -46.11082   Hit bottom (16:46) at the base of the crack, 22 degrees 49.224 minutes North and 46 degrees 6.649 minutes West  
J2-733-PC 7         9        7.71   2.13        22.7     545.2       9.68    513     0.2     <0.1    101     85.3    31.1    26.9    460     51.1    10.5    56.7    1.70    128     4.56    137     9.68    22.82040   -46.11082   Hit bottom (16:46) at the base of the crack, 22 degrees 49.224 minutes North and 46 degrees 6.649 minutes West  
J2-733-PC 7         12       7.72   2.14        22.4     543.1       9.70    496     <0.1    <0.1    94      85.6    28.3    26.8    459     51.5    10.4    53.5    1.66    125     4.48    134     9.69    22.82040   -46.11082   Hit bottom (16:46) at the base of the crack, 22 degrees 49.224 minutes North and 46 degrees 6.649 minutes West  
J2-733-PC 11        6        7.7    2.10        20.7     549.9       9.84    512     0.3     <0.1    100     86.4    28.0    27.1    460     51.7    10.4    77.7    1.67    119     4.48    182     10.2    22.82058   -46.11083   overpenetrated (18:00) at the marker and next to PC 4, 22 degrees 49.235 minutes North and 46 degrees 6.650 minutes West   
J2-733-PC 11        9        7.68   2.19        24.8     543.1       9.65    516     0.2     <0.1    107     85.6    28.2    26.9    460     51.0    10.5    66.3    1.70    115     4.38    208     10.0    22.82058   -46.11083   overpenetrated (18:00) at the marker and next to PC 4, 22 degrees 49.235 minutes North and 46 degrees 6.650 minutes West   
J2-733-PC 11        11       7.68   2.13        25.9     546.4       9.58    517     0.4     <0.1    108     85.1    28.0    26.8    460     50.9    10.5    64.9    1.67    117     4.18    186     9.8     22.82058   -46.11083   overpenetrated (18:00) at the marker and next to PC 4, 22 degrees 49.235 minutes North and 46 degrees 6.650 minutes West   
J2-733-PC 11        14       nd     nd          25.9     545.6       9.63    nd      nd      nd      nd      85.8    28.2    27.0    463     51.9    10.7    nd      nd      nd      nd      nd      nd      22.82058   -46.11083   overpenetrated (18:00) at the marker and next to PC 4, 22 degrees 49.235 minutes North and 46 degrees 6.650 minutes West   
J2-733-PC 11        16       7.74   2.15        26.3     545.7       9.56    512     0.3     <0.1    103     84.5    28.8    27.2    463     52.3    10.5    56.5    1.64    124     4.00    176     9.6     22.82058   -46.11083   overpenetrated (18:00) at the marker and next to PC 4, 22 degrees 49.235 minutes North and 46 degrees 6.650 minutes West